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That is the correct spelling of "cuboid" (a geometric class of cubic shapes).

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cupboard, but you don't really say the p

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Q: How do you spell cuboard?
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How do you prove that plants need light?

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a net cuboid is a net of cuboid. that means a form of making cuboard.

How do you buy a cuboard in moshi monster?

You have to go to one of the shops and purchase one with roxs

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A fridge, an oven , a tv, a speaker, cuboard doors & a radio.

How do you store plain flour?

you should store flour in a well aired cuboard in a tight container

How can you make a balloon a prank?

Shove a whole heap of balloons in a cuboard and when someone goes to open it they will get angry as they will all fall out!

How do you say cuboard in Spanish?

The Spanish word for 'cupboard' is 'aparador'. The SOUND of the word 'cupboard' is roughly 'CAbad' in Spanish orthography

Can peanut butter melt?

Well one thing I know is that some types can some can't I remember once our peanut butter melted in the cuboard!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How long is olive oil good in the refrigerator?

You shouldn't refridgerate olive oil. It makes it thick and sours the taste. In a dark cool cuboard it will keep for 6 months.

Where would a leopard gecko hide if it got lost in your house?

I would imagine somewhere dark, or woody such as an attic or a cuboard. inside a shoe maybe, or ina closet. hope this helps!

Cheats for imagine babies on ds?

storky will tell you if u dnt clean the house that ______(babies name) is sesative to dust. you need to feed it syrup. the syrup is in the cuboard above the change table in the bathroom.

Who is Omri's friend's in the Indian and the cuboard?

In the book "Indian in the Cupboard," Omri's friend is named Patrick. He is the one who gives Omri the small plastic Indian figurine that comes to life when placed in the magic cupboard.