"Hat" translated to Afrikaans is hoed.
That is the correct spelling of the noun "hat" (worn on the head).
He has = Er hat
That is the correct spelling of "top hat" (short version of stovepipe hat).
The word "hat" backwards is "tah" and has no real significance.
It takes 14 toothpicks to spell "HAT".
帽子 that's how you spell it boshi is how you say it
der Hut
Hat is chapeau, with the plural "hats" being chapeaux.Also of use might be: chapeau à plume (a feathered hat).
"Sombrero" in Spanish means hat, typically referring to a wide-brimmed hat.
In French, "my small hat" would be spelled as "mon petit chapeau."
maitre with an accent circomflex (or the little hat) on the i.