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If a judge is elected they must be impeached. Municipal judges are appointed by the City Council in Colorado and they can be removed by them if they fail to perform their duties properly.

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i do not know ok

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Q: How do you remove a judge for misuse of power?
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Who can remove a judge for a misuse of power?

It depends on local legislation.

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To accuse an official of the executive or judicial branch of misuse of power is called?

To impeach them.

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betrayal,misuse of power,dictatorship.

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The only person who can remove a beneficiary is the testator or a judge by a court order.The only person who can remove a beneficiary is the testator or a judge by a court order.The only person who can remove a beneficiary is the testator or a judge by a court order.The only person who can remove a beneficiary is the testator or a judge by a court order.

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Some of the miss uses of nuclear energy is that people inhale it

What is the point of impeachment?

To get a president out of office that has committed "high crimes and misdemeanors".

When did William Power - Quebec judge - die?

William Power - Quebec judge - died in 1860.

When was William Power - Quebec judge - born?

William Power - Quebec judge - was born in 1800.