You pronounce it the same way in french as you do in english, only with a french accent.
D is pronounced de in french.
the same as in english you pronounce it as ah
That is correct! "French" starts with the letter "f" and ends with the letter "e."
The French word for "and" is "et". It is pronounced like you would pronounce the letter "a".and = et
Spelling: Filles You pronouce the "f" like it is, the rest is just "I" (I says it's name), basically like f-I.
In French, the letter "w" is pronounced as "double-vay" which sounds like "doob-luh-vay".
The letter h is always silent in French, so it would be pronounced with a muted h
In french you say huit instead of eight. You say it like you say wheat.
The letter "B" in French is pronounced "bay" similar to how it is pronounced in English. The pronunciation remains the same in most French words.
French fries!
if you mean the letter "a" in french alphabet : like the "a" in "ah" if you mean the translation of "a" in french : it's "un" but there's is no equivalent sound in english.