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Q: How do you pronounce hikikomori?
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The cast of Hikikomori - 2006 includes: Junio Valverde

What actors and actresses appeared in Hikikomori - 2010?

The cast of Hikikomori - 2010 includes: Kura Chihiro as Hosteses Yoshinori Horimoto as Tosei Takako Hotta as Teacher Minori Koizumi as Hostess Rin Sakura as Mika Saki Shimizu as School Girl Kiichi Sonobe as Akira

What is a hikikomori?

A hikikomori is a person, usually a male adolescent/adult, who doesn't leave his/her home for at least six months. Some people don't leave for 15+ years! This is common in Japan, although it happens everywhere. The person doesn't leave for a variety of reasons, the most common one being that he/she gets teased for being different. More info is at

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