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Q: How do you pronounce avagadro's number in words?
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How many molecules are 1.94 moles?

multiply that number by avagadros number, 6.02x10^23

What are the molar conversions between moles and representative particles?

avagadros number

How do you calculate atoms?

As in number? No of atoms = avagadros number (6.02X10^23) times number of mole of atoms

What is 6.0210 to the 23rd power molecules?

Avagadros number - The number of molecules/element that are found in one mole of the substance

How much is a mole?

A mole is equal to 6.022 x 1023. This number is called Avagadros number. A mole is generally abreiviated as "n".

State avagadros number and what this mean?

the number of atoms in a certain space its really of any significance , u can do all the everythong without it

What units do you use to measure atomic mass?

A mole (mol). You can convert to kilograms using Avagadros number.

Units of avagadros number?

Avogadro's number is a constant that represents the number of particles (atoms, molecules) in one mole of a substance. It is approximately equal to 6.022 x 10^23 particles per mole. The unit for Avogadro's number is mol^-1.

How would you pronounce the number 14680012 in words?

Fourteen million, six hundred eighty thousand, twelve.

How do you do mass to particles?

By particles, I assume you mean atoms. Firstly, you divide mass by molecular mass to get moles. Then multiply moles by avagadros number to get amount of atoms

How do you calculate the mass in grams of 6.073 molecoles of water?

You divide the 6.073 by 6.022x1023 (avagadros number) to get the moles, then multiply by molecular mass (18) to get mass in grams

What are some words that are hard to pronounce properly?

There are many words people cannot pronounce. If somebody has a different type of accent it might be harder to pronounce words like rural.Here are some words that are hard to pronounce.Otorhinolaryngologist.Colonel.Isthmus.Anemone.Squirrel.Choir.Worcestershire.Sixth.