Daf - nee In Greek mythology Daphne is a type of female nymph associated with fountains, wells, springs, streams, brooks and other bodies of freshwater.
Daf - nee In Greek mythology Daphne is a type of female nymph associated with fountains, wells, springs, streams, brooks and other bodies of freshwater.
een (Pronounce: eyn) twee (Pronounce: twey) drie (Pronounce: dree) vier (Pronounce: veer) vijf (Pronounce: vive) zes (Pronounce: zes) zeven (Pronounce: zeyven acht (Pronounce: acht) negen (Pronounce:neygen) tien (Pronounce: teen)
You pronounce maui mow-E
You pronounce it like this "Say ha" that is how you pronounce Ceja.
You pronounce it as Page.
pronounce it as freez.
You pronounce it gorge
Brin is how you pronounce it
How do you pronounce Baekje.
Albustix pronounce
you pronounce it as ei