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By how much the bill is worth

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Q: How do you know the status of a bill in US congress?
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Which US president vetoed a bill just to have that bill overturned by congress in less than 24 hours and what was the bill?

Andrew Johnson is the US president that vetoed a bill just to have it overturned by congress in less than 24 hours.

When congress disagrees with a presidents veto what can they do?

If a US president vetoes a bill sent to him by the US Congress, the president may choose to veto the bill. In such a case, the bill is sent back to the congress. If the Congress can come up with a two thirds majority, then the bill must pass as law.

What do us congress do?

I think US Congress has to approve to laws and makes them, too. In the beginning of that process Congress makes bills, and at the end the presedent has to except the bill and turn it into a law.

What rights are guaranteed by the US Constisution and the Bill of Rights?

to rights are of the bill of RIGHTS is congress on the house of representives!

Who signs the bill into law's?

IN the US, a bill that has been passed by Congress become law when the President signs it.

The Bill of Rights guaranteed that Congress would not interfere with the rights to?

The Bill of Rights guaranteed that Congress would not interfere with the rights to religion, speech and press. The Bill of Rights are the first 10 amendments of the US Constitution.

How popular was the Family Medicine Practice Act of 1970 in the US Congress?

The Family Medicine and Practice Act was a popular bill in the US Congress. The Senate passed the bill 64 to 1 and the House passed it 345 to 2.

What can the US congress do to make a bill a law if the president vetoes it?

The bill that the President has vetoed must be passed with a 2/3 favorable vote in both houses of Congress in order to become law.

When will congress vote on the health bill?

The bill is so massively unpopular and againt the will of the people that Congress is now trying to pass the bill without a vote. Notice how they also did not post the bill as the President promised us he would when he ran for office!?

If a bill arrives on the desk of the president of the US and it originated in the Senate A pocket veto will be possible for him only if what?

A pocket veto will be possible for the president only if Congress adjourns before the president has ten days to sign or veto the bill. If Congress adjourns during this period, the bill does not become law and is effectively vetoed.

What is the power to make a law in congress called?

In speaking about the US Congress, an idea for a new law or a change in an existing law is called a bill. If both the US House of Representatives and the US Senate agree on this piece of legislation that they believe should now be the "law of the land" the bill is sent to the US President to sign into law. If the president is opposed to the legislation there is a process to either alter the bill or for a president to veto a bill. Often times there is a compromise between the president and congress to enable the bill to be signed into law.

What is the Purpose of the State of the Union Address-?

The State of the Union is to inform congress of the condition of the US.