

Best Answer

(Wrong answer) i would imagine it would be (dwp) department work pentions

Who the heck gave that answer abouve I don't know and ther is no such federal agency by that name. You get Veterans Benefit information from the agency that controls the benefits and that agency is called the Department of Veterans Affairs or (V.A) for short. This is a Federal Agency that controls ALL Veteran issues. Each state also has a State Agency for veterand affairs which also is usually called the Department of Veterans affairs or similar named but they are not federal agencies , they are state agencies responsible for state military Veteran Benifits only. i hat when dummies post information that has no substance or real source. I am a Federal employee and a Disabled Military Veteran and I know what im right from experience

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Q: How do you go about finding out what benefits a discharged veteran could receive?
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Can British World War 2 vets receive veteran benefits in US?

They are not eligible for US Veteran's benefits. There should be no reason they cannot receive any British Veteran's benefits they are entitled to.

Who can use VA medical benefits?

Any Veteran who has been honorably discharged.

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You receive benefits (if available) from the country you served and enlisted with

Are you a National Guard veteran if your are discharged in basic training?

No. If you receive an Entry Level Separation, you basically never made it in.

What benefits do widows of honorable discharged veterans get?

you aren't entitled to veteran's benefits through the VA. You could be entitled to benefits directly through the military IF he died on active duty

Can a person on Social Security Disabilty receive veteran's benefits also?

Yes you can.

Can you receive benefits if your father is a World War 2 vet?

No you cannot receive benefits for yourself because your father was a WW2 veteran. Only he can received benefits through the Veterans Administration.

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If you didn't go to war-are you a veteran?

If you served in the U.S. military and were honorably discharged, you are a military veteran.

Can British world war 2 veterans receive Department of Veteran Affairs benefits in Canada?

The annswer is 1989

Can my wife get a hearing aid under my veteran benefits?

If she isn't a veteran, no. Only a vet can use the veteran benefits.

Can a person who is discharge with a dishornable discharge get benefits from the government?

No they cannot. "A dishonorable discharge renders a service member unable to receive veteran's benefits. A service member is stripped of all entitlement, despite any previous honorable service or awards that he or she may have received. A dishonorably discharged service member is not even legally designated a veteran. According to the definition of terms in the U.S. Code Collection Title 38 Part 1 Chapter 1 Section 101, "the term 'veteran' means a person who served in the active military, naval, or air force and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable." See below link: