You do not. Use of the Social Security number is the exclusive venue of the Social Security Administration as established by the Social Security Act.
The District Attorney/State's Attorney and/or the State child support agency can do this.
Your Social Security number is yours to use for a lifetime. If you find out that someone else has used it notify the Social Security Office immediately. No one can use their Social Security number to connect a telephone for another person. It is their own personal number for their use only for their lifetime.
social security number
FICA percent is 15.3% regardless of the number of dependents If you are self employed you pay the full 15.3% which is 12.4% social security and 2.9% medicare If you are employed by someone else you pay half of the FICA or 7.65% of which 6.2% is social security and 1.45% is medicare. You employer than pays the other half.
A self employed taxpayer you could use your social security number.
NO. You would need a valid Social Security Number. NO. You would need a valid Social Security Number.
As you ask, it is not possible if someone try to fing general background can find Social Security number. Only Social Security Authority or Government Authority can find it if it is needed or you requested it.
To get any sort of public benefit, such as Medicaid or SSI, one has to have a Social Security number.
Social Security benefits are not determined by whether or not your are employed, or in what manner, or in what state, but depends on your past earnings in a specific time period and how old you are.