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Q: How do the Declaration of Independence and Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address view the topic of freedom?
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What was the first sentence of Abraham Lincolns Gettysburg address?

The Declaration of Independence

In what ways are the declaration of the independence and Abraham Lincolns Gettysburg address similar?

Lincoln refers to the Declaration and quotes from it in the first line of his address.

Abraham lincolns Gettysburg address is similar to the declaration of independence in that both documents?

support the ideals of self-government and human rights

What theme do the Declaration of Independence and Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address focus on?

Freedom and equality

In what ways are the Declaration of Independence and Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address similar?

Lincoln refers to the Declaration and quotes from it in the first line of his address.

How is Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address similar to Declaration of Independence?

support the ideals of self-government and human rights

What was Abraham lincolns speech from the civil war called?

The Gettysburg Address

How does abraham lincolns famous speech start?

see Gettysburg Address

Abraham Lincolns best known speeches?

"The Second Inaugural" and "The Gettysburg Address.

What document did Abraham Lincoln reference in his Gettysburg Address?

1-But in a larger sense we can not dedicate,we can not consecrate,we can not hallow this ground. 2-The brave men ,living and dead,who struggled here,have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract.

What was Abraham Lincolns most embarrassing moment?

When his voice cracked while giving the Gettysburg address.

Why did Abraham sign the declaration of independence?

he wanted to.