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They sell a product that people want (fast food) because of affective advertising, cheap prices, and ability to counter long lines of people. The ability to walk into an establishment with money and walk out with food quickly appeals to a socioeconomic system that equates time to money.

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Q: How do McDonalds make a profit?
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How much profit does mcdonalds make?

a lot more than you:) unless you are the owner

Is Mcdonalds a non-profit or profit?

Starbucks is a for profit company.

Which mcdonalds location makes the most profit?

The one next to overeater's anonymous

What is Net profit for McDonalds?

Net profit refers to the total income of a business. McDonald's net profit is how much money the company has made after all expenses have been paid.

One of the important differences between public bureaucracies like the DMV and private corporations such as McDonalds is that government bureaucracies?

are not organized to make a profit, while private corporations are

What is a product of a company?

A Product of a company, is what they make and, or sell for profit. every company has some sort of product or service to make money, companies that sell products, for example are Kirkland, Jimmy Deans, even McDonalds .

How much profit does the average McDonald's make?

Well it is very hard to answer this. Every Mcdonald's has to purchase supplies. Pay People. And give some to the Mcdonalds Company. If you look at the Stock Quote of MCD that is how much they really make!

How much profit in mcdonalds store?

Each store's profit is different because it depends on their volume of business based off of their location, type of day, any events going.

What are 3 goals of mcdonalds?

The McDonalds corporation is a profit making organization and therefore its primary goal is to make profits. McDonalds have been working towards a healthier product in many countries. The move towards health is driven partly by a sense of responsibility and also by the knowledge that a healthier attitude will make the McDonald's product more appealing to buyers - and hence, lead to greater profit.

What happens if you don't make a profit?

you dont make a profit

Why is McDonald's a franchise?

Not all McDonalds' are franchise, but a particular store would be a franchise if it were a corporate named business owned and operated by a private owner or company. For example if I owned the rights to a McDonalds, I would be a franchise owner. I would pay McDonalds a fee for using their name, property, products, etc... The profit from the store I own would be mine and I would control it. But I would effectively be renting the names and logos and services already setup by the McDonalds corporation.

Why coke did not make profit in India?

coke did make a profit but for some people it did not