

Best Answer

What time do they mow? You should probably be at work when they do but if not, find another parking place that is not so close to the common area.

Another Answer

Your complaint is of a common type: vendors who work around your home over which you have no control. This can be especially painful when it involves a new car.

Your governing documents -- please read them to confirm this -- may specifically forbid your interfering with vendors hired by your board.

You can send a letter to the board with a copy to the landscape service detailing damage done to your new car's finish by grass and rocks being blown on it. Include photographs as necessary.

In your letter, ask that the practice be discontinued and put the board and the company on notice that you will claim against them for repairs if it continues.

As an alternative, request that you be informed at least 24 hours before landscaping services are performed, and request guidance about where you can park your new car so as to avoid it being hit by blower debris.

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Q: How do I get a Lawn Service hired by my HOA to do common area to stop blowing grass and rocks etc on my new vehicle?
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