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Q: How did the states reenter the Union under Lincoln's plan?
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What did former confederate have to do to get amnesty under lincolns plan to rebuild the union?

They had to swear an oath of loyalty.

Under Lincolns plan what percentage of the male population had to take an oath of loyalty to re enter the union?

10 percent

What is a Union of states?

A union of States is called Federalism those states are under a central government.

What did former confederates have to do to get amnesty under lincolns plan to rebuild the union?

They had to swear an oath of loyalty.

What is the union of states under a central government?

It was a Union of states, mostly in the North.

What happened to Korea after Japan surrendered in World War 2?

Nova Net: It fell under the control of the United States and the Soviet Union It fell under the control of the United States and the soviet union.

What states were admitted to the union under James Madison?

Louisiana (1812) and Indiana (1816) became states under Madison.

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What were the states that fought in the Battle of Gettysburg?

Probably most of the states were represented there. It was the Army of Northern Virginia (Confederate) under Lee against the Army of the Potomac (Union) under the newly-promoted Meade. It was a Union victory.

What is a union of independent states?

A confederation is a loose union of independent states where the central government is able to act only in limited powers. This is how the United States functioned under the Articles of Confederation.

Who won the union or the confederate states?

The Union, under Ulysses Grant. The Confederates were commanded by the highly-rated Sidney Johnston, who was killed on the second day.

Loose union of independent states?

"A loose union of independent states" was how the United States was described under the Articles of Confederation. After the Constitution was written, the States became more tightly bound and the country began to identify as one nation.