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Q: How did the government respond to the Myanmar elections?
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When students and others in Myanmar demanded democratic elections the military government responded by?

opening fire on the demonstrators and killing thousands

The Myanmar Military Government?

The Myanmar Military Government

Myanmar Military Government?

Myanmar Military Government

How does each member get power in the government of Burma?

The leaders of the Myanmar government are the military officials from the junta. They are promoted through the military by procedures within the military (usually based on experience and the desires of higher-ups). In terms of the Myanmar Parliament, which is very weak, those members get their power through elections or direct appointments by the military junta.

Does Myanmar have a limited government?

Myanmar has a Limited government which means that they must obey and follow the laws and rules! Hope I helped! :)

Government in myanmar?

Presidential system.

Is Myanmar is limited government?


What type of government does Myanmar have?


Myanmar's government is an example of which government form?

Military Dictatorship

Why was Myanmar Imperialized?

because of government rebellion.

What type of government does Myanmar have now?


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