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The Fordney-McCumber Tariff discouraged imports.

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Q: How did the US discourage goods from coming to the US during the presidency of Warren G. Harding?
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What did warren Harding do bad as president?

Harding did not do much of anything, good or bad. He did not supervise his cabinet and they engaged in illegal activities to make money for themselves. He withdrew the country from European affairs, but that was the will of most of the country at the time. He did not propose any restraints on banks or the stock market which might have slowed the coming depression, but most people were happy at the booming times and believed that government should stay out of business affairs as a rule.

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How did US President Harding handle presidential decision making?

Warren G. Harding was the 29th US President who ran on the slogan of "A return to normalcy". He easily defeated Democrat James M. Cox in the 1920 presidential election. Happily for Harding the nation was riding a wave of prosperity. This brought on excesses later US Presidents would have to handle. His decision making has been criticized to a large degree and his early death in 1923 saved him from embarrassment. There was boiling "teapot scandal" in the works. For months evidence of corruption in his administration had been coming to light. After Harding's death, several high level officials were linked to the Teapot Dome and other scandals. While in office Harding made the error of signing into law the highest tariffs in US history. Bottomline, his decisions are now questioned and many believed he made poor decisions.

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The wealthiest CEO in America is Warren Buffett. Coming in at number two is Lawrence Ellison.

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Warren is a rabbit hole, but i live in warren, Australia, 2824 and it is a beautiful little country town which is great for travellers and families! The Warren Races are also coming up currently the Cotton cup on the 7th nov. and the Twilights in Dec! They are really great show casing how great warren is from fashion shows to great horse racing! For more information visit:

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