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Q: How did James Monroe traveled when he was a president?
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Which president established the Monroe Doctrine?

The Monroe Doctrine was proposed by President James Monroe.

Who was president when people started traveling the Santa Fe Trail?

James Monroe was president when William Becknell traveled to Santa Fe Trail.

Any wars when president James Monroe was president?

No there was no wars when James Monroe was president.

When Was James Monroe ever vice president?

James Monroe was never a Vice President.

Who was the 5th U.S President?

James Monroe was the 5th US president.

Who was America's 5th President?

James Monroe

Who issued the Monroe Doctrine?

President James Madison established the Monroe Doctrine on December 2 in 1823.

Was James Monroe the fifth president?

yes James Monroe was the 5th president (1817-1825)

Who was president during the acquisitioning of Florida?

James Monroe

President between Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe?

The president after Thomas Jefferson and before James Monroe is James Madison.

Was James Monroe the 5th president of the US?

Yes! James Monroe was our fifth president of the United States.

Why did James Monroe run for president?

Anyone has the right to want to be president