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Kennedy unveiled an economic program that differes sharply from the spending model of the New Deal and Fair Deal. Instead, he proposed a major tax cut for consumers and businesses, designed to stimulate purchasing power and end encourage new investment.

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10y ago

In an attempt to manage the economy John Kennedy created the New Frontier Program. This program provided federal assistance for education, economic assistance to the poorer areas, low interest student loans, and other monetary assistance.

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12y ago

tax cutes, raise in min. wage, redevelopment and housing act, urban affairs & help migrant workers

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Q: How did JFK try to stimulate the sluggish economy?
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Called for a massive public works program the New Deal to try and stimulate the American economy out of the Great Depression?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Who called for a massive public works program the New Deal to try and stimulate the American economy out of the Great Depression?

!! Franklin D. Roosevelt!!

How did Carter try to stimulate the economy?

Carter, the man who had promised to cut taxes while campaigning in 1976, was saying new taxes were necessary.

How best to manage economic down turn?

Your question is a big one. Economic downturn is when the economy's demand is low, which leads to the relatively inactive economy. To manage this, the government will try to stimulate the economy directly (by increase government spending) or indirectly (through tax, regulations, policies) so the demand raise.

How do you use the word stimulate in a sentence?

Listening to upbeat music can help stimulate productivity and creativity, providing a boost of energy and motivation.

What are the two types policy of economics?

There are two general types of economic policies. The first is fiscal policy, which operates on the principle that the most effective way for a government to influence the economy is through its spending. For example, in a recession, governments will try to stimulate the economy by spending more money by building infrastructure and creating training programs, for example. The second is monetary policy, which operates on the principle that the most effective way for a government to influence the economy is through its control of the money supply. For example, in a recession, governments will lower interest rates to encourage borrowing and increase the money supply in an attempt to stimulate the economy.

How have the interest rates changed over the past five years?

Interest rates have decreased over the past five years. In fact, they are now at record lows. The Fed has lowered the rate several times to try to stimulate the slugging economy.

Engine sluggish when using ac in ford expedition?

Try changing the fuel filter Change your air filter

1997 Chevy sluggish under heavy acceleration any ideas runs perfect except that?

try the fuel filter.

How do you stimulate a woman you know that wants to be stimulated?

It comes naturally. But to answer your question try to stimulate the clitoris (man at the top of the boat) or go for the g spot if your a stud (its way in there)

What do you do if your mouse is constipated?

You can try to stimulate it by lightly rubbing its bottom with a wet paper towel.

What can the federal government do to try to bring the economy out of recession?

the federal reserve would try to lower nominal interest rate (monetary policy), not part of govt. The federal govt. would stimulate spending, either by lowering taxes or pumping money into the economy and spending more.