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If each candidate gets the same number of votes in the Electoral College, then the Congress will decide who gets to be President.

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Q: How could the EC system concievably push the presidential election decision into congress?
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Rutherford Hayes won the 1876 presidential election defeating Samuel Tilden. In the 1876 presidential election Rutherford Hayes received 185 electoral votes and Samuel Tilden received 184 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Tilden 4,288,546 and Hayes 4,034,311. The electoral votes of 4 States were disputed. Congress referred the matter to the Electoral Commission which gave the decision to Rutherford B. Hayes.

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Electors elect the president after the election. The original founders of the constitution felt that the average person wasn't able to make an educated decision in elections so congress decided who was president.

Who won 1876 presidential election?

Rutherford Hayes won the 1876 presidential election defeating Samuel Tilden. In the 1876 presidential election Rutherford Hayes received 185 electoral votes and Samuel Tilden received 184 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Tilden 4,288,546 and Hayes 4,034,311. The electoral votes of 4 States were disputed. Congress referred the matter to the Electoral Commission which gave the decision to Rutherford B. Hayes.

Who was running in presidential election in 1876?

Rutherford Hayes won the 1876 presidential election defeating Samuel Tilden. In the 1876 presidential election Rutherford Hayes received 185 electoral votes and Samuel Tilden received 184 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Tilden 4,288,546 and Hayes 4,034,311. The electoral votes of 4 States were disputed. Congress referred the matter to the Electoral Commission which gave the decision to Rutherford B. Hayes.

Who was the winner if the presidential election of 1876?

Rutherford Hayes won the 1876 presidential election defeating Samuel Tilden. In the 1876 presidential election Rutherford Hayes received 185 electoral votes and Samuel Tilden received 184 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Tilden 4,288,546 and Hayes 4,034,311. The electoral votes of 4 States were disputed. Congress referred the matter to the Electoral Commission which gave the decision to Rutherford B. Hayes.

Why was the U.S. presidential election of 1876 unusual?

Rutherford Hayes won the 1876 presidential election defeating Samuel Tilden. In the 1876 presidential election Rutherford Hayes received 185 electoral votes and Samuel Tilden received 184 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Tilden 4,288,546 and Hayes 4,034,311. The electoral votes of 4 States were disputed. Congress referred the matter to the Electoral Commission which gave the decision to Rutherford B. Hayes.

Who was the winner of the presidential election and 1876?

Rutherford Hayes won the 1876 presidential election defeating Samuel Tilden. In the 1876 presidential election Rutherford Hayes received 185 electoral votes and Samuel Tilden received 184 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Tilden 4,288,546 and Hayes 4,034,311. The electoral votes of 4 States were disputed. Congress referred the matter to the Electoral Commission which gave the decision to Rutherford B. Hayes.

Did Rutherford B. Hayes ever win a presidential election?

Rutherford Hayes won the 1876 presidential election defeating Samuel Tilden. In the 1876 presidential election Rutherford Hayes received 185 electoral votes and Samuel Tilden received 184 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Tilden 4,288,546 and Hayes 4,034,311. The electoral votes of 4 States were disputed. Congress referred the matter to the Electoral Commission which gave the decision to Rutherford B. Hayes.