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Normally that account would have to be closed along with any atm/debit cards attached to that account. On a joint checking account either person can close out the account and get the remaining money. A new account would then need to be opened in your own name.

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You are certainly free to ask the bank in which you have that account if such is possible, but I doubt that it is. Nor should it be, you'd not want your spouse to have your name come off.

If you next think that you can simply withdraw everything, and leave the other with a zero balance, be advised that this may be later reviewed by a divorce court, and you could be ordered to pay at least half of that back.

Therefore, if you are going to do anything with the account at all, you should restrict yourself to the removal of half, and half alone, then take your own name off of the account.

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Q: How can you you remove your spouse from joint accounts?
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Is it illegal to remove your spouse from joint checking account?

No. it is not mandatory to have a joint account with your spouse. If you feel, you no longer wish to have your spouse in your joint account, you can let them know and then contact the bank to remove their name from the accounts joint holders list.

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In Florida, adult children do not have automatic rights to the joint accounts made with the parent's second spouse. If the accounts were set up as joint accounts with rights of survivorship, they would pass directly to the surviving joint owner. The adult children may have a claim if they can prove that the joint accounts were not intended to be gifts to the second spouse, but this can be legally complex and challenging to prove. Consulting with a probate attorney in Florida would be advisable in this situation.

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A spouse may open as many bank accounts as they wish. If, on the other hand, you are referring to a joint account; then there will have to be paperwork filled out adding the spouse to the account and thus creating a joint account. This requires the agreement and signature of the original account holder.

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If the accounts are joint he cannot legally "control" the use of them. He can perhaps take the checkbook and debit cards, but it is a simple matter for the spouse to have them replaced so she has access to the monies. A joint account belongs to each account holder according to state laws and banking regulations. By law marital accounts belong to each spouse equally as long as they remain married, regardless of what amounts each contributes to it or does not contribute at all.

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The divorce is of no consequence. If your spouse and their ex opened joint accounts while they were married, they are jointly liable for those accounts and both credit reports will reflect the history. A divorce never supercedes any other contract. You mentioned that the accounts were "both in other spouses name". If that were true, the accounts would not be on your spouse's credit report in the first place.

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It would depend on who they are jointly owned with. If a spouse, no. Anyone else, yes but only half.

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Stepparents are not responsible for their stepchildren. Your spouse is not responsible for your child(ren). However, the State may place liens on real and personal property, including bank accounts, even though your spouse is a joint owner.

Does a new spouse have to pay child support in Missouri?

Stepparents are not responsible for their stepchildren. Your spouse is not responsible for your child(ren). However, the State may place liens on real and personal property, including bank accounts, even though your spouse is a joint owner.

If your soon to be ex-spouse files for bankruptcy and there are joint accounts can you be included as a debtor and clear the joint debts?

Yes. If joint debts are an issue, it is beneficial for both parties to enter into a BK filing. If not the one who is not a party to the bankruptcy will be liable for those debts.

Will your medical bills be reported on your spouse's credit?

No. Credit reports show individual and joint debts, but not as husband and wife. For example, a married couple hold a joint mortgage it will be on both of their credit reports, individual accounts including medical bills will only appear on the CR of the spouse who incurred the debt.

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Your credit follows you individually. If you have joint accounts then they appear on both of your credit reports.

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No. However, some states and countries apply a "communal property" rule, which means that even though they cannot sign on the account, the spouse has joint ownership of cash in the account by law.