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Helping developing nations can depend on a number of things. First and foremost, does the country in question even desire aid? As a nation is a collected group of people, generally of similar background and intention forcing aid on a nation which does not desire it can result in the people resenting those supplying aid. Similarly, the problem arises as to determining whether a country desires aid, such as those under the control of a tyrannicaly regime. In such countries the people are too afraid of those in power to rebel or speak out against them.

Outside of the political issues, scientific and infrastrual aid can alleviate much of a developing nation's problems. In most third world nations, water is scare or extremely filthy, as education is virtually non-existant. Investing in water production and filtration can provide a country a great deal of relief, as simply cleaning the water can reduce the spread of disease, the prevalence of parasites, and provide much needed irrigation improvements to agriculture, thereby improving crop yield and over all food production.

Education is another hurdle which must be tackled, as the old addage goes "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a life time." By providing education for the population of a developing nation. Those people can go on to operate, maintain, and design new infrastructure for that nation. Education will also further improve the lives of people, as violence typically declines with education. An added benefit is the further reduction in the spread of disease, as one a person knows the mechanism for transfer, they can determine a work around to prevent future infections.

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14y ago

We can not waste food and we can give water bottles and canned goods. also we can sell suplies to build homes for them.

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