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I have written to the AZ Dept of Insurance, HSAG, HealthNet & various congressmen bout the 14,000 dollars worth of expenses we incurred due to HealthNet's failure to advise us of or honor Medicare's coverage for my husband's illness. No one so far has been able to or seen fit to even make an effort to assist us in recouping even part of this expense. HSAG is still working on the case, but not for any monetary recompense, only to chastise HealthNet, if they find cause. This sort of dealing seems a real travesty to us & I wonder how many other older patients have been fleeced in this manner. Why is no one investigating? Too much lobby payola? I have written to the AZ Dept of Insurance, HSAG, HealthNet & various congressmen bout the 14,000 dollars worth of expenses we incurred due to HealthNet's failure to advise us of or honor Medicare's coverage for my husband's illness. No one so far has been able to or seen fit to even make an effort to assist us in recouping even part of this expense. HSAG is still working on the case, but not for any monetary recompense, only to chastise HealthNet, if they find cause. This sort of dealing seems a real travesty to us & I wonder how many other older patients have been fleeced in this manner. Why is no one investigating? Too much lobby payola? I have written to the AZ Dept of Insurance, HSAG, HealthNet & various congressmen bout the 14,000 dollars worth of expenses we incurred due to HealthNet's failure to advise us of or honor Medicare's coverage for my husband's illness. No one so far has been able to or seen fit to even make an effort to assist us in recouping even part of this expense. HSAG is still working on the case, but not for any monetary recompense, only to chastise HealthNet, if they find cause. This sort of dealing seems a real travesty to us & I wonder how many other older patients have been fleeced in this manner. Why is no one investigating? Too much lobby payola? I have written to the AZ Dept of Insurance, HSAG, HealthNet & various congressmen bout the 14,000 dollars worth of expenses we incurred due to HealthNet's failure to advise us of or honor Medicare's coverage for my husband's illness. No one so far has been able to or seen fit to even make an effort to assist us in recouping even part of this expense. HSAG is still working on the case, but not for any monetary recompense, only to chastise HealthNet, if they find cause. This sort of dealing seems a real travesty to us & I wonder how many other older patients have been fleeced in this manner. Why is no one investigating? Too much lobby payola?

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Q: How can one get health insurance co to repay out of pocket expenses resulting from their not being informative of one's Medicare coverage?
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If you are married with no insurance at current job and plan to remarry someone that has Medicare can you be added to their insurance?

Medicare is based on individual coverage. Unfortunately, you can't be added to someone's Medicare coverage.

When you have Medicare Part A Insurance and Supplemental coverage which is primary insurer?


What is Medicare carve out?

A Medicare carve out is the use of private insurance to enhance the coverage of Medicare insurance. There are several different plans to choose from that work along with Medicare to give the best coverage possible at the least amount of cost to the patient.

Where can I apply for Medicare Part D Insurance?

Medicare part D is a prescription drug coverage insurance that is a part of your medicare insurance if you qualify. It can be applied for at the website.

What is Medigap insurance?

Medicare does not offer complete health insurance protection. Medigap insurance is a type of plan intended to supplement Medicare coverage

What are the advantages of taking out medicare supplemental insurance plans?

Medicare supplemental insurance plans offer coverage for things Medicare may not cover on its own. This extra coverage will allow one to obtain better healthcare at a lower cost.

Do all insurance companies drop you at age sixty five because of medicare coverage?

No. But Medicare is certainly cheaper than commercial insurance.

Where can someone purchase AARP Medicare Supplemental Insurance?

One may purchase AARP Medicare supplemental insurance through United Healthcare. The insurance helps retirees to supplement their original Medicare coverage.

What is covered in the medicare part d coverage?

In order to obtain Part D drug coverage on a Medicare plan, one must join an insurance company or private company which has been approved by Medicare. Once you join, you usually pay a monthly premium.

I am a US citizen on US Medicare residing in Canada (permanent resident) - where can I buy supplementary insurance for US Medicare service for the 20% not covered by Medicare in the US. ?

As a US citizen residing in Canada, you may face limitations when it comes to purchasing supplementary insurance for US Medicare services. Most US private insurance companies do not offer coverage for individuals living outside of the United States. It is recommended to explore insurance options available in Canada that can provide coverage for healthcare services received in the US. That way, you can find coverage for the 20% not covered by Medicare while you are in the US.

Is medicare part d a good insurance?

Medicare part d insurance is considered very good coverage for person of an advanced age. This medicare covers doctor's bills as well as any type of hospitalizations.

What does medicare part d does?

Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage (Part D): Medicare offers prescription drug coverage (Part D) for everyone with Medicare. To get Medicare drug coverage, you must join a plan run by an insurance company or other private company approved by Medicare. Each plan can vary in cost and drugs covered. If you want Medicare drug coverage, you need to choose a plan that works with your health coverage. For more information: page 63