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Congress controls the money. It makes all the appropriations, sets the tax rates and authorizes any borrowing. It controls the size of the military and sets all the salaries. It also passes any laws that get passed. Without the help of Congress, the President is quite limited.

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Q: How can congress influence the president?
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How can the courts influence congress and the president?

The courts can influence Congress and the president through judicial review, where they interpret the Constitution and strike down legislative or executive actions that are deemed unconstitutional. This can shape future policy decisions made by Congress and the president to align with constitutional principles. Additionally, court decisions can influence public opinion and create pressure for Congress and the president to take certain actions.

Is congress the group that helps the president run the national government?

Yes, in a way. Congress makes the laws and essentially tells the president how to run the nation. The president is the CEO- his job is to carry out the will of Congress, although he can exert influence on Congress to get them to do what he wants.

When can congress change the the president of the United States salary?

Congress sets the president's salary. To prevent congress from usingthis power to influence the president, a salary change cannot take place untilthe beginning of the next presidential term.

Does the use of veto power show weakness or question relations with Congress even though presidents can exercise veto to influence Congress?

Using the veto indicates that the President disagrees with Congress and that Congress was willing to pass a law they against the President's wishes.

How has the presidents ability to influence public policy been affected by the fact that congress now meets year round?

Congress meeting nearly year round gives the President more opportunity to persuade Congress to do what he wants. The Vice President really has more influence, though, as he presides over the Senate

What can congress do to influence the bureaucracy?

Congress can cut the budgets. The President can hire and fire them, and the Courts can find individuals bureaucrats guilt of different things.

Are cabinet officers responsible to congress?

implementing the president's program in a particular area while also attempting to influence the president's policies in that area.

How did the party polarization limit the president's ability to influence domestic policymaking in congress?

Asexual reproduction of mammoths.

How congress can control the president?

The president can veto any bill passed by Congress. This stops a divided Congress since a 2/3 majority is required to pass the bill over the veto. The president can fail to enforce laws that he does not like. Congress can fight back with impeachment or censure but there are usually serious political costs to such actions, so Congress often does nothing. The president can also use a "carrot and stick" approach to influence individual Congress members.

Can the president influence the content of legislation before it is submitted for his signature?

The president does indeed have the ability to influence legislation before it is submitted for his or her signature. The president can attempt to persuade members of Congress privately, and/or the president can take his or her case directly to the American people, and hope citizens with pressure their congressperson.

What can congress do to the presidents?

The president can veto any bill passed by Congress. This stops a divided Congress since a 2/3 majority is required to pass the bill over the veto. The president can fail to enforce laws that he does not like. Congress can fight back with impeachment or censure but there are usually serious political costs to such actions, so Congress often does nothing. The president can also use a "carrot and stick" approach to influence individual Congress members.

Does veto power signal weakness with congress?

The president uses the veto as a last resort- it does signal an inability to influence the writing of legislation before it is actually passed. The president usually lets it be known that he will veto a bill and if Congress passes it anyway it indicates a challenge to the president.