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Yes. The bank can freeze any account that is held by a customer with the bank. But, this does not happen at the banks wish. Usually a legal order by law enforcement agencies (police or cops) is required to do so. Usually cops and federal authorities freeze bank accounts of terrorists and known malicious elements of the society.

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By a court order requesting the account be "frozen" until the judge rules on what if any of the funds are subject to levy by a creditor judgment.

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Q: How can a bank freeze your account that is in another bank?
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Can the police freeze your bank account for a minor hit and run?

No. In the US the police cannot freeze your bank account. That would require a court order.No. In the US the police cannot freeze your bank account. That would require a court order.No. In the US the police cannot freeze your bank account. That would require a court order.No. In the US the police cannot freeze your bank account. That would require a court order.

Can a bank freeze your account over a sworn affidavit from an individual statement?

No, a bank will not freeze your account without a court order from a judge. They won't freeze an account over an individual statement.

Can a bank freeze account with out a debt?

Yes, a bank can freeze an account for a variety of reasons. They often do this when they feel their may be a security risk.

Can collection judgment freeze your bank account?

Yes, a collection judgment can freeze a bank account. A court order is required. If a bank account is frozen, it cannot be used until the debt is paid.

Can revenue Canada freeze a joint bank account?

It is possible for Revenue Canada to freeze a person's bank account. This includes both single and joint bank accounts.

Can a collection agency freeze bank account in ca without you being notified?

Agency cant freeze your bank account at all, They can go to court asking to freeze your account, then a court order only can freeze you account, an account cant be freezed by any third party order.

Can a bank freeze your account without telling you?

no but a bank can freeze ur sperm without telling u

How does a creditor know where and what bank account to freeze?

The banks send your information to the major credit reporting agencies. In order to freeze your bank account the creditor must obtain a court order to collect on a debt from you. With that court order they can get your account information from the bank to process the freeze/collection.

Can a mortgage company freeze a bank account after foreclosure?


Can child support freeze your bank account?

Yes they can.

Can the collection agency freeze your bank acct in Fla?

No. A collection agency can not freeze your bank account. Only a judge could do that.