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Each state has electoral votes equal to the total of the 2 representative the state has in the U.S. Senate plus the number of representative the state has in the House of Representatives. Since every state has two senators and at least one representative to the House, every state has at least 3 electoral votes. The District of Columbia gets 3 electoral votes. Therefore, the total number of electoral votes is 538 - 100 (senators) + 435 (representatives) + 3 (for DC).

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Q: How are the number of electors electoral votes each states gets determined?
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Where do electors meet when they participate in the electoral college?

The Electors meet in the capitols of their respective states.

Why don't all states have electoral voters?

All states do have at least three electors who cast electoral votes.

How is determined how many electoral college votes each state gets?

The number of electors is based on the number of house members for the state. Getting the office of president is a math problem and with the right combination of states a person reaches the number of 270 votes.

Who actually casts the electoral votes for each state?

The states choose as many "electors" as it has electoral votes and these electors elect the president. The electors are elected by popular vote in each state and each candidate for elector swears in advance whom he will vote for. The electors vote their electoral votes in the Electoral College.

How is the number of electors determined for each state?

Each state has a number of electors equal to the number of its Senators and Representatives in the United States Congress.By the number of seats each State has in Congress

When are the electors of the electoral college chosen?

The Congress may determine the time of choosing the electors and the day on which they shall give their votes; which day shall be the same throughout the United States.

How are us votes determined?

In the United States, votes are determined through a system called the Electoral College. Each state has a certain number of electors based on their representation in Congress. When citizens vote in the presidential election, they are actually casting their vote for their state's electors, who then formally elect the president. The candidate who receives a majority of the electoral votes (at least 270 out of 538) becomes the president.

How are states' electoral votes determined?

The number of the state's representatives + its 2 senators

How do you elect the electoral college?

Electoral votes determine the President of the United States. Every state and DC are awarded a certain number of electoral votes with which to elect the President. The number is the total number of representative the state has in Congress in both houses total. Since every state has two senators and at least one representative to the House, every state has at least 3 electoral votes. The states choose as many electors as it has electoral votes and these electors elect the president. The electors are elected by popular vote in each state and each candidate for elector swears in advance whom he will vote for.

What is the total number of electors in Vermont?

In the electoral college, Vermont has 3. This site will give a breakdown of all the states....

What document created the electoral college?

The document that created the electoral college is the US Constitution. It states how to determine the number of electors to be given to each state as well as how to determine the presidency.

How many presidential elector does each state have?

Each state has the number of electors in the Electoral College that equals the total number of US Senators added to the Representatives in the House from that state. If state A has 23 Representatives and 2 Senators (all states have two Senators) then state A would have 25 electoral votes (electors) on the Electoral College.