Electors are elected by popular vote but the president is elected by the electoral college. A president candidate can win the popular vote and still not win if he doesn't win the electoral college.
They are elected in separate ballots by the same electors.
elected at state convention
Electors from the states.
The electoral college elects the president and vice-president of the US. The electors are elected by popular vote and declare in advance how they will vote if they are elected, so the people choose electors who will vote the way they would vote if they were electors.
people have to vote for you to become elected.
Only the pope is elected and he is elected by the Cardinal electors, not the Church in general. Other leaders are appointed by the pope.
The constitution calls for the President to elected by electors from the states. It allows the state legislatures to decide how to choose its electors. Probably most of the framers expected the legislatures to elect the electors rather than holding a popular election to choose them.
He was elected in a conclave by the cardinal electors.
The voters choose the electors who then vote for the president. The electors say in advance for whom they are going to vote if they are elected. In many states the names of the electors do not even appear on the ballot, only the names of the candidates that the electors support.
It is a group of electors that are elected by the people to cast the vote to elect the president