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Chlorine gas dissolves into hydorchloric acid in your lungs and basically corrode them from the inside out. This might sound horrible, but mustard gas uses a much worse poisoning process. It forms a lot of poisons and corrodes your skin on contact. It's a much worse gas than chlorine.

Chlorine gas is an elemental gas, while mustard gas is an compound.

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12y ago
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11y ago

They are poisons that were used during World War I by both sides. Chlorine is the same sort of chemical used in bleach and to clean pools; it can be made into a cloud that, in high doses, can destroy your lungs and kill you. Mustard gas (it has no mustard in it; it's called that because it smells like mustard) causes burns and blisters to form whereever it touches you, and can also ruin your lungs.

They were used during World War I as a way of defeating enemy troops who were in trenchs. Trenches are basically long holes in the ground that soldiers can hide in and easily defend. It's hard to shoot troops who are hiding in trenches, and bombs/artillery also have a hard time hitting them. But poison gas makes a fog that can sink into a trench and "hit" everyone in it.

Because the poisons are deadly and indiscriminate (that is, there's no way to control them once they've been used), they were already banned when the war started. After the war, the Geneva Protocol made even stronger bans on such weapons.

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12y ago

they are yuseous chemical compound's that are highly toxic to humans

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15y ago

No, they are two different compounds.

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What is used in mustard gas?

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Warfare using mustard gas and chlorine gas.

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Chlorine, mustard gas and tear gas.

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The chlorine in mustard gas bonds with the water in your lungs to form hydrochloric acid and burns your lungs

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Mustard Gas unlike Chlorine gas and made severe burns and irritation to the skin. In some cases a lot of mustard gas could burn the eyes and like Chlorine can cause blindness.

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In order , chlorine , phosgene and mustard

What kinds of gas were used in World War 1?

Tear gas, mustard gas, phosgene and chlorine gas.

Chemical symbol of mustard gas?

The ingredients are ammonia and bleach (Not only is this not true, it is DANGEROUS! It will produce Chlorine gas witch eats at the lining of your respiratory track. Real mustard gas is liquid at room temperature)

What years was poison gas used in world war 1?

I believe it was late 1914 to 1915. The Germans used mustard gas alongside chlorine gas. The chlorine gas was extremely poisonous especially if breathed in, and could kill instantly. The Germans actually wiped out all the French soldiers with chlorine gas. And mustard gas was a yellowish- brown coloured gas that when it touched open skin, it would make the skin blister and it would eat away at it. The reason it's called mustard gas is cause it had the smell of grainy mustard.