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he was a black man in a white body

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Q: How John f kenndy get shot at?
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What time did john f kenndy died at?

he died at 10.12a.m after get shot.

Where did john f kenndy die at?

Kennedy died in Dallas, Texas, almost immediately after he was shot.

How did john kenndy die?

Jhon F. Kennedy was shot behind his head by Harvey Lee Oswald.

What party was John F. Kenndy in?

John F. Kennedy was a Democrat.

What does the f in john kenndy stand for?


What was john f Kenndy's middle name?


Was there a war when john f kenndy?

The cold war.

Where was john f kenndy born?

In a hospital. XD

Was John f kenndy preident of the United States in 1916?


John f kenndy middle name?

John F. Kennedy's middle name was Fitzgerald.

Was john f kenndy the youngest in his family?

No John Kenned was not the youngesti n the family.

How old was John F Kenndy when he died?

46 years old