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Probably. He would have to follow the same process as anyone else to get a divorce. Sometimes it takes considerable time to get a settlement, particular if a lot of money is involved. He might be out of office before the divorce went through. (Divorce alone would not be grounds for impeachment if that is the point of the question.)

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

No. Only one president, Ronald Reagan, was ever divorced and the divorce occurred more than 30 years before he became President.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

no it is just a wives tale

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Yes- no connection to the office.

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Q: Can the president divorce his wife while in office?
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Which presidents remarried while in office?

No US president was ever divorced while in office. In fact, only one president , Ronald Reagan was ever divorced at all and his divorce occurred 32 years before he ran for president. When he ran for president he had been married for 28 years to his second wife.

Who is Isabel Peron?

Juan Perons third wife, she becomes President of Argentina after Juan dies in office.

Who was the first us president divorced?

Mario and Peach got a tragic divorce. Mario came from work one day. But it beat the castle extremely easy. When he got home he heard moans and groans. He broke down the door and saw Luigi and Peach making sweet love on his bed. Mario went insane he grabbed his brother then punched him several times in his face. Peach screamed and ran out Mario grabbed his Glock 12 and shot her once in the back she was coughing up blood and he walked over to see her crying.... He put another shot in her face. And again, and again, and again, and again. He said softly "I thought you loved me..." he walked inside to see Luigi trying to call 911 and he held the gun to him then whacked him with it. He grabbed a knife then slit his throat. The cops found him an hour later crying over peach's body he's in jail for a life sentence now and every night he cries 'I thought you loved me...." to the drawing of her on his prison wall.

How many US presidents have had mistresses while in office?

John Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt had well-documented love affairs while they were President. Woodrow Wilson had a very close female friend that he wrote to, but may have been faithful to his wife in the strict sense. Other presidents had affairs but I think they were all broken off by the time they were President.

Who are the unmarried American Presidents?

6 were unmarried when they took office. Buchanan never married. Cleveland took a wife while he was president. Jefferson, Jackson, Van Buren and Chester Arthur were widowers when they became president and never remarried. Tyler, Benjamin Harrison and Wilson lost their wives while they were president .

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First president married while in office?

The first president to get married while in office was John Tyler. John Tyler was also the first president to have his wife die while in office.

First president whose wife died while he was in office?

John Tyler

Which US President while in office was married in a secret ceremony?

John Tyler married his second wife while in office and had I believe 7 or 8 children with that wife. Making a total a 15 children.

Which presidents remarried while in office?

No US president was ever divorced while in office. In fact, only one president , Ronald Reagan was ever divorced at all and his divorce occurred 32 years before he ran for president. When he ran for president he had been married for 28 years to his second wife.

Who was the first president to take the oath of office with his wife holding the Bible?

Lyndon Baines Johnson was the first US President to take the oath of office while his wife, Lady Bird Johnson, held the bible. This took place in 1965.

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Which president did not have a wife?

The U.S. President that did not have a wife was James Buchanan, and whenever married. He was the 15th American President and served in office from 1857 to 1861.

Did president Clinton commit a felony while in office?

Yes he did! He had naughty strippers come and entertain him, While he had a wife! WAIT until the truth comes out about HILLARY

Which president had no wife during office?

James Buchanan was never married. Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren and Chester Arthur were widowers while they were in office. Grover Clevelan had no wife when he first took office, but acquired one before he left. John Tyler, Benjamin Harrison and Woodrow Wilson had wives who died while they were in office and so had no wife until they either remarried or left office.

Who was the second president whose wife died in office?

President Benjamin Harrison.

Who president had a stroke in office and the vice president and first lady ran the country?

Woodrow Wilson had a serious stroke while President and his wife was accused of running the country by the way she controlled access to him.

Who was the first us president to get married while in office?

John Tyler was the first US President to re-marry while in office.President Tyler's first wife died in 1842 about a year after he took over as President following the death of President William Henry Harrison. He got remarried June 26, 1844, not long before the end of his time as President. He would be the first President to get married while in office.Woodrow Wilson's first wife, died August 6, 1914, the summer after he took office. He remarried December 18, 1915 while still President, but this was obviously many years after Tyler and Cleveland.The only President to come to office a bachelor and get married while serving as President was Grover Cleveland.