Hard money refers to types of currency that have intrinsic value, specifically, that backed by gold and silver. This is contrasted to the federal reserve notes currently in circulation that have nothing of value to back them. The latter allows the government to merely print more notes, thereby creating inflation, in order to give the illusion of prosperity. In a hard money system, this would not be permitted as there would have to be gold or silver sufficient to back the issuance of additional paper money.
not subject to feca regulations
It refers to a sum of money earned through hard labor of an honest nature.
Hard money is subject to reporting requirements because it includes direct contributions to candidates or political parties which must be disclosed. Soft money, on the other hand, refers to funds donated to political parties for activities not directly supporting a specific candidate and is subject to less stringent reporting requirements.
hard money is a term use for private lending
The investor gave hard money to the farmers. Hard money is a type of loan given by private contractors.
Money is known as M2.
She Works Hard for the Money was created on 1983-06-13.
You can find hard money lenders nationwide at www.dohardmoney.com.
A Dime
hard money is given directly to political campaigns, while soft money is given to political parties for "voter education."
its hard for people to migrate because of money
She Works Hard for the Money - song - was created on 1983-05-27.