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do some more f-ing research. lol

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Q: Give reasons for increase prices in imported commodities?
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What reasons would a retail manager have for marking prices higher?

Increase profit, keep pace with market prices

Where can a person go to find the latest prices on commodities?

A person can find the latest prices on commodities from several locations. CNN, Bloomberg News, Nasdaq, and Reuters all broadcast the latest up to date prices of commodities, both on their television channel as well as on their websites.

What happens if the prices of commodities fall?

When the prices of the commodities fall, the demand of that commodity usually increases. On the same note the supply of the given commodity usually decreases as well.

What has the author Arbab Ikramullah written?

Arbab Ikramullah has written: 'Prices of agricultural commodities in Bannu, 1961-70' -- subject(s): Agricultural prices 'Prices of agricultural commodities in Kohat, 1961-74' -- subject(s): Agricultural prices, Farm produce, Prices

How are commodities priced?

Commodity prices are quoted on either a spot or future basis on an electronic board each time they change. Future prices are quoted based on the date of delivery of the contracted commodities.

What is trading possibility frontier?

as in production possibility curve compares production rates of two commodities, this compares prices of different commodities.

Which organization keep a check on prices of essential commodities?

MRTP organisation

What are the functions of prices in a market economy?

Prices are a mechanism by which commodities are efficiently allocated in ideal conditions; prices send a signal about the value of a commodity.

What could one find on the website Futures and Commodities?

Futures and Commodities is a website dedicated to following the prices of commodities like natural gas, oil, and gold among others. The site also takes a look at the past and potential future of these commodities.

How did European colonial powers attempt to make Africans dependent on imported goods?

By forbidding them to make some goods themselves and lowering the prices of imported food.

Why would a nation ration goods and services in time of war?

Goods may be rationed during wartime for a couple of reasons. When commodities become scarce (which can happen during wartime) and demand remains the same prices will rise, maybe a lot. Rationing reduces the demand and thus keeps prices from going out of reach for ordinary income people. Some commodities such as tires, gasoline, etc. are needed for the war effort, rationing makes them available for this purpose. I don't remember services being rationed but if they were it would be for the same reasons.

Why is it risky to depend on selling oil to the world?

Because prices can fluctuate rapidly with such commodities.