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I'm pretty sure it's the battle of shilOh. I'm doing the Same homework bud

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Near the church Shiloh

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Q: Generals Johnston and beauregard tried to defeat grant near what county meeting house in Tennessee?
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Where did Confederate Jefferson Davis meet his generals to discuss General Lee's surrender at Appomattox?

After President Jefferson Davis had escaped from Richmond, he met with generals PT Beauregard and Joseph Johnston to discuss continuing the war despite the fact that Lieutenant General Robert E. Lee had surrendered to General US Grant at the Appomattox Court House in Virginia. Davis wanted to continue the war. They met on April 12, 1865 in Greensboro, North Carolina. Both generals had just left Raleigh and the meeting with Davis was somber. Beauregard and Johnston informed Davis that to continue the war was hopeless. They were successful in convincing Davis that a surrender was necessary. Davis then authorized Johnston to meet with General Sherman and negotiate the Confederate surrender. The war was almost over at last.

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After the first meeting of Union General Sherman and Confederate General Johnston to negotiate Johnston's surrender, Johnston asked that in their next meeting, the Confederate Secretary of War. John C. Breckinridge be present. Sherman objected to having a political appointee of the Confederacy to join the next meeting. Johnston countered by reminding Sherman that Breckinridge was also a major general in the Confederate army. Based on that, Sherman agreed to allow Breckinridge to attend the next surrender meeting.

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What was the counry meeting house called where johnston and beuregard triedto defeat grant during the civil war?

Shiloh Church. (Trick question there. You thought we'd all be wondering about Joseph E. Johnston, not Sidney Johnston!)

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What kind of dog is on Hee Haw?

There were actually four dogs over the 25-year run of "Hee Haw." The first one was Kingfish who was only on the show for one season before meeting his untimely death by choking on a bone . The second was Beauregard (who belonged to the show's technical director Joe Hostettler) . Beauregard Jr. came along next . He was no relation to the first Beauregard . The last dog to grace the "Hee Haw" set was Buford who was on the show for five years . After he left in 1985 , they didn't replace him .

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The Ku Klux Klan is a racist, white supremacy group that originated in the United States. The first meeting of the KKK was held in Pulaski, Tennessee in 1865.

What happened in shiloh?

Shiloh Church was a tiny meeting-place at Pittsburg Landing on the Tennessee River, where U.S. Grant and Sherman were caught napping in April 1862 by the Confederates under Sidney Johnston, having believed there were no enemy troops nearer than Corinth. The Union army was nearly pushed into the river, but the Confederates unwisely called a halt for the night, and by morning Grant was receiving reinforcements. They succesfully drove-off the enemy, and Johnston was killed. It was the first major Union victory, and Grant acquired important credibility that would eventually take him to the job of General-in-Chief.

What was the purpose of June 23 1863 meeting at the War Department between President Lincoln Secretary of War Stanton and Union generals Halleck and Hooker?

The meeting between President Lincoln, Secretary of War Stanton and generals Halleck and Hooker was to coordinate the movements of the Army of the Potomac in light of its surprising defeat at the Battle of Chancellorsville. The meeting accomplished very little except only to produce more confusion as how to best handle any threats the Army of Northern Virginia presented to either Washington DC or the City of Baltimore.

Meaning of the name Tennessee?

The origin is uncertain, perhaps a Cherokee word meaning 'meeting place, 'winding river' or 'river of great bend'

Who won the last time that Georgia and Tennessee met when both had losing records?

Prior to the 2010 meeting when Georgia was 1-4 and Tennessee was 2-3, that was November 21, 1906 when Georgia was 1-3 and Tennessee was 1-5-1. The 1906 matchup ended in a scoreless tie.