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in the earl 18000s, candidates for the presidency were chosen by

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congressional CAUSCUS

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Q: From 1800 to 1824 presidential candidates were chosen by?
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How are the presidential candidates chosen 1800 to 1824?

Congressional Caucus.

From 1800 to 1824 presdential candidates were chosen by who?


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1800 & 1824

Favorite Son candidates played an important role in the Presidential election of what year?


What do the presidential elections of 1800 and 1824 have in common?

Those were the only two US presidential elections that had to be decided by the US House of Representatives.

Who were the southern state presidential candidates in 1824?

Andrew Jackson won all the Southern state but GA in 1824. WM Crawford carried his home state of GA,

Why do you think the election of 1824 helped lead to change in national politics?

After the Corrupt Bargain of 1824 when Andrew Jackson was defeated, an upwelling of support arose against back room deals and candidates chosen by caucus. At this point in American history, the nominating of candidates became more democratic as conventions replaced caucuses.

Which of these 1824 presidential candidates supported a strong federal government over states rights'?

John Quincy Adams

Wh0 did John Q. Adams defeat in 1824?

The other candidates in the 1824 U.S. Presidential election were U.S. Senator Andrew Jackson, U.S. Treasury Secretary William H. Crawford, and Speaker of the House Henry Clay.

How many vice presidents were candidates in the same election before they were chosen as a running mate?

U. S. Vice Presidents who were chosen to be Vice Presidential candidates after they tried but failed to get the presidential nomination:George Clinton (1808)Daniel D. Tompkins (1816)John C. Calhoun (1824)Thomas A. Hendricks (1884)Thomas R. Marshall (1912)Calvin Coolidge (1920)Charles Curtis (1928)John Nance Garner (1932)Lyndon B. Johnson (1960)George H. W. Bush (1980)Joe Biden (2008)