Well, when we talk about behaviorism in public administration, we're looking at how people's actions and reactions can impact organizational behavior and decision-making. By understanding behaviorism, public administrators can create policies and systems that encourage positive behaviors and outcomes. It's like painting a beautiful landscape - each brushstroke (or action) contributes to the overall picture of an efficient and effective public administration system.
Behaviourism, a psychological theory focusing on observable behaviors, has made significant contributions to public administration. In public administration, behaviorism emphasizes the importance of understanding and shaping the behaviors of individuals within organizations to improve efficiency and effectiveness. By applying behaviorist principles such as reinforcement, punishment, and conditioning, public administrators can design policies and procedures that incentivize desired behaviors and discourage undesirable ones. This approach helps in shaping organizational culture, enhancing employee performance, and ultimately achieving the goals of public administration.
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Development administration as referred to by Fred Riggs, is the administration of development programs to the methods used by large scale organisations; notably government, to implement policies and plans designed to meet developmental objectives. Luke (1986) refers to development administration as a concern with create, maintenance and strengthening of the organisation and administration.
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Behaviourism focuses on observable behaviors and how they are influenced by environmental stimuli, while sociocultural theory emphasizes the role of social interactions, cultural norms, and historical context in shaping behavior. Behaviourism tends to focus on individual learning through reinforcement, while sociocultural theory highlights the importance of social interactions, language, and cultural practices in knowledge acquisition and development.
It doesn't, neither does the the framework in which it consists: Behaviourism. Chomsky didn't consider Behaviourism the correct paradigm in which to evaluate language processing (such reflections brought about cognitive psychology), so I doubt he would consider it fit for an explanation of consciousness. Behaviourism either denies mental states (philosophy) or argues that they are not given to empirical measurement (psychology), rendering them irrelevant in psychological theory. As far as I know, there are no mainstream psychological explanations for consciousness, which isn't surprising. A quick wikipedia search on philosophy of mind will tell of the difficulties in even framing questions that could be used to this end.
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Interpretation in dance means when explain the meaning of what you see, how , why , what,contribution, etc.