If we didnt have memory then we would have no feelings or emotion !!
explain the different components of operating system in details
EXplain the importance of threading messeges in the online system?
Volatile memory means when the system power is off the data is lost.Where as non volatile means the data is not lost when the system is powered off.
Memory cells divide into plasma cells that produce the right antibody.
1 what is computer memory 2 explain information system. discuss various information systems available in any organization.
Memory is technically any form of electronic storage. Personal computer system have a hierarchical memory structure consisting of auxiliary memory (disks), main memory (DRAM) and cache memory (SRAM). A design objective of computer system architects is to have the memory hierarchy work as through it were entirely comprised of the fastest memory type in the system.
The details stored on the RAM will only be gone when the system is spoilt but the ROM, the CD or flash drive can get lost and vital details will be lost. Yomi
The chache memory is a memory that mostly resides inside the processor's chip, this will make the processing a lot faster because the memory (chache) is nearer that the main memory of the system. btw, chache is a mispelling of cache, go to http://keywordspeak.com/?p=1234 for more details.
1)what is importance of security in operating system? 2)explain about management devices in OS? Devices in OS? 3)Discuss about security concepts in OS? 4)Differnt types of memories available in OS?
There are several components of the operating system which facilitate the proper functioning of a computer system. The main component if the kernel which is broken down into CPU, memory and other devices.
Importance of system administration
In order to free up space in memory, an operating system with a virtual memory capability transfers data that is not immediately needed from memory to the HDD; when that data is needed again, it is copied back into memory. That is, when all of the RAM is being used (e.g., if there are many programs open simultaneously or if one very large program is in use), a computer with virtual memory enabled will swap data to the HDD and back to memory as needed, thus, in effect, increasing the total system memory.