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Q: During the 2009 term of the US Supreme Court which Justice voted with the majority most often?
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Related questions

One a Supreme Court Justice disagrees with the majority opinion of the court what is he or she doing?

A US Supreme Court justice who disagrees with the majority opinion writes a dissenting opinion, explaining why he or she disagrees with the majority.

. What does it mean when a Supreme Court justice issues a dissenting opinion?

When a Supreme Court "dissents" it is disagreeing with the majority opinion.

What does mean when a supreme court justice issues a dissenting opinion?

When a Supreme Court "dissents" it is disagreeing with the majority opinion.

Why would a Supreme Court justice write a concurring opinion?

A Supreme Court justice may choose to write a concurring opinion when he or she agrees with the majority decision, but wants to add perceptions or legal reasoning not addressed, or not addressed to that justice's satisfaction, in the majority opinion (opinion of the Court).

What does a US Supreme Court justice write when agreeing with the majority?

A concurring opinion

How many votes does each supreme Court justice have when issued a majority ruling?


Who elects the supreme court justices?

The selection of a supreme court justice is a two part system. First the president nominates an individual and then the Senate has a majority vote.

A justice of the supreme court may write a dissenting opinion to?

add points to the majority opinion

Who choose the successor to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?

The US President nominates the Chief Justice, who may already be an Associate Justice or may be someone outside the Supreme Court. The Senate must confirm the nomination by a simple majority vote.

Who holds the power to approve Supreme Court Justuces?

requires a 51 of 100 (majority) vote by the senate

What are four kinds of Supreme Court opinions?

The Four types of Supreme Court Opinions Includes: Unanimous Opinion: When the Supreme Court Justice Unanimously agrees with the decision. Majority Opinion: When the Majority agrees with the decision Concurrent Opinion: When a person agrees with the Majority of the decision, but for different reasons. Dissenting Opinion: When A person disagree with the Majority of the decision.

What is an opinion written by a US Supreme Court justice who agrees with the minority opinion?

The term "minority opinion" is a bit unorthodox, considering those who vote against the majority may not be unified in their reasoning. When a Supreme Court justice wants to express disagreement with the opinion of the Court (usually the majority), he or she may write a dissenting opinion. It is not necessary for the dissenting justice to agree with anyone else on the Court.