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I don't think Dr. Hall wanted cheaters in his class.

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Q: During the 1890s a group of men led by Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge?
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How are Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge related?

Henry Cabot Lodge and Theodore Roosevelt were very close friends. They both spent most of their lives in public service.

During the 1890s a group of men led by these two men promoted what sort of foreign policy for the US?

Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt and Massachusetts Senator Henry Cabot Lodge promoted "large policy."pg. 606 "The American People Creating A Nation & A Society" Volume Two Since 1865

Did Theodore Roosevelt have friends?

Theodore Roosevelt, a sickly child, was home-schooled as a youth and was not much around others his age. He was, however, friends with at least two of his cousins.

Name of a Famous person in 1901?

Theodore Roosevelt, Henry Cabot Lodge, William Howard Taft, J. Pierpont Morgan,

Who influenced Theodore Roosevelt to become the Vice President?

Tom Platt, the state's Republican leader, suggested that Roosevelt be named VP so he could no longer be govenor

What did Albert J Beveridge and Henry Cabot Lodge and Theodore Roosevelt agree on?

Albert J. Beveridge, Henry Cabot Lodge, and Theodore Roosevelt agreed on several key issues. They were all proponents of American imperialism and believed in the importance of American expansion overseas. They were also advocates for a strong military and believed in the concept of "Manifest Destiny," which asserted that the United States had a divine mission to expand its influence globally.

Major political leaders of the 1920's?

•USA leaders of WW1 and 1920's Woodrow Wilson Theodore Roosevelt Edward House Henry Cabot Lodge Newton Baker William Taft Robert Lansing Walter Lippmann

Who were the leaders of the Spanish-American War?

Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Theodore Roosevelt, newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst and Phillip II - King Of Spain

What did john Cabot do during his adult hood?


Years during explorer traveled?

John cabot

Did john Cabot have any battles during his voyage?

no he did not

Why did Woodrow Wilson win the election of 1912?

Theodore Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party split the Republican.