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The Federalist papers :)

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Q: Drafted by James Madison
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Who drafted the Virgina Plan?

James Madison drafted the Virginia Plan.

Who drafted the Virginia resolutions in 1765?

James Madison

Who drafted the constitution of America?

For the most part, James Madison.

Drafted the Virginia Plan?

I believe it is James Madison

Who wrote the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions?

James Madison and Thomas Jefferson drafted these documents to try and declare the acts of the Federalists were tyrant.

Father of the constituition?

The famous federalist, James Madison, is known as the Father of the Constitution. Madison is also the person that drafted the Bill of Rights.

What role did George Mason and James Madison played?

they drafted of the U.S. Constitution

Who drafted the the Virginia plan?

The Virginia Plan, which was a proposal for a bicameral legislative branch, was drafted by James Madison for the Constitutional Convention of 1787.

Who wrote Virginia plan?

Edmund Randolph proposed it, but James Madison wrote most of it.James Madison drafted the Virginia plan of representation at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Virginia governor Edmund Randolph is the person who officially placed the proposal to the convention.Edmund randolphI guess that depends on what you mean by proposed. The plan was drafted by delegate James Madison, as part of a committee, but he was likely the main impetus. However, delegate Edmund Randolph that officially put it before the convention. It was presented on May 29, 1787.

Who was the Skillful politician scholar who drafted the bill of rights and moved it through the first congress?

James Madison

The delegates at the Constitutional Convention decided to base the Constitution on the blank drafted by James Madison?

Virginia Plan

Skillful politician-scholar who drafted the Bill of Rights and moved it through the First Congress?

James Madison