It depends if u see it sleeping you'll see it's head moving or his or her stomach moving
because your stomach doesn't stop digesting even if you are just sleeping
Sleeping on your right side can help improve digestion because it allows the stomach to empty more easily and prevents stomach acid from moving up into the esophagus.
Stimulation makes them move.Just make sure that your hand is warm.
No, sleeping on your stomach (either man or woman) is bad for your health. You can also not breathe properly when sleeping on your stomach.
Sleeping on your stomach puts unnecessary strain on the neck. An extremely soft and thin pillow is optimal for the prone sleeping position. You can also sleep with no pillow at all if no soft and thin pillow is available.
Definitely not.
Over sleeping can make you fat because you are sleeping instead of moving. It can also slow your metabolism during the time you are sleeping.
There is no way that you can get a flat stomach by sleeping but sometimes if you are sleeping in the right position u might get it Position- sleep staright not sideways or putting your face in the pillow just look at ceiling and try to go to sleep like that
Fish do not die when they stop moving. Infact, they sleep NOT moving.