

Best Answer

Yes, he pays half of the total amount for you and you pay half, of the 15.30%

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Q: Does your employer have to pay social security taxes?
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Why does a martial art school need your social security number?

If the school is your employer, and they are taking out Social Security taxes from your pay check then, yes they need your social security.

What percentage of payroll taxes is charged for Social Security today?

4.5% is withheld from your pay and the employer is required to match it.

What is a state employer account number?

When you pay your taxes to the state, you have an account number that identifies your company. When you pay, the amount is credited to the employer's account. It's the same as paying your taxes using a Social Security number.

What is state employer account number?

When you pay your taxes to the state, you have an account number that identifies your company. When you pay, the amount is credited to the employer's account. It's the same as paying your taxes using a Social Security number.

What federal taxes does a self-employed person have to pay?

Self-Employed people have to pay income tax just like everyone else, plus self-employment taxes which are basically Social Security and Medicare taxes. A self-employed person will have to pay all of the Social Security and Medicare taxes since they don't have an employer. When you work for someone, the employer pays for half of the Social Security and Medicare taxes in addition to other taxes like federal and state unemployment taxes and other items depending on the state and city you are located in.

How do you pay into Social Security?

Social Security is deducted from a worker's paycheck by their employer.

Can you pay social security if your employer does not?


Do kids pay taxes on social security?


What is FICA the same as?

FICA stands for Federal Insurance Contributions Act. Basically, it's taxes used as payment into the Social Security and Medicare benefits programs. This is how you contribute to those programs. When you're an employee, you pay half and your employer pays half. Your half is deducted from your paycheck, then your employer adds their half and sends the entire amount in on your behalf when they pay all the other payroll taxes. Self-employed people don't have an employer to pay half, so they pay the entire amount for their Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Can your employer pay for my medicare premium?

can my employer pay my medicare premium instead of taking it out of social security

What percentage of income do employees pay in social security and Medicare taxes?

Social security: 6.2%