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No - but CIA Director is part of the President's National Security Council

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Q: Does the president appoint the director of the CIA?
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Which president came in the White House with CIA experience?

George H. W. Bush was Director of the CIA for a couple of years before he was President.

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The president needs the "advice and consent" (confirmation) of the U. S. Senate to appoint the Director of the F.B.I. The confirmation hearings are held by the Committee on the Judiciary.

Director of the CIA before he became president?

George Herbert Walker Bush

WAS Connecticut senator prescott bush a CIA director?

No, though he did he serve as Connecticut senator two+ terms (1952-1962) . But his son, George H.W. Bush, held a number of positions, including CIA director, congressman, vice president and president. George H.W. Bush served for a year (1/30/76-1/20/77) as CIA director, appointed by President Gerald Ford.

Was George HW Bush in the CIA?

Yes. George H.W. Bush (41st US President) was the 11th director of the CIA, for the last year of Gerald Ford's presidency, from January 30, 1976 to January 20, 1977. Three years later, he was picked as Reagan's running mate and was elected Vice President.

Who is the only US president to work for the CIA?

George H. W. Bush had been Director of the C.I.A. before he ran for VP and President.

Who has oversight of the CIA?

Answer:As of February 12, 2009 Leon Panetta is Director of the CIA

Who was president when CIA created?

who was the president when the cia was created?

Whom is the CIA Director?

Gen. David Petraeus is confirmed to be the official new director at the cia as of June 30, 2011.

Why did alen dulles kill JFK?

Lee Harvey Oswald killed President John Kennedy. Allen Dulles was the director of the CIA.

Who were the CIA directors in the 1970s?

William Colby was the director of the CIA during that time. Following that, in 1976 George H. W. Bush was the next CIA director until 1977.

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