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Q: Does the power in Congress only resides in committee chairmanships only?
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What does the seniority system do for congress?

Seniority is important in Congress because it provides a better chance for individuals to become heads of important committees. This in no way necessarily helps voters. In fact seats in Congress that don't turn over are generally seats where the incumbent takes too much for granted.

Who had real power in congress before the early in 1970s?

The House of Ways & Means Committee

What are the advantages of the seniority system?

Its Good When It Comes Down to picking whos first...Seniority is very important in Congress. Under the seniority system, committee chairmanships and other influential positions are decided on the basis of how long a member has been in Congress. The seniority system was created to weaken the power of the Speaker of the House, which had become almost dictatorial. The system provides for an orderly hierarchy and ensures that committee chairmen are sufficiently experienced. Seniority also has its drawbacks: it limits the opportunities for talented young members of Congress to make their mark. Seniority also makes Congress less responsive to reform because power is concentrated in the hands of older, established members.

Is true of congress power of oversight?

Congressional oversight activities generally take place at the committee and subcommittee level.

What is true of congress's power oversight?

Congressional oversight activities generally take place at the committee and subcommittee level.

What are the four factors that determine what committee a member of Congress joins?

The four factors that determine what committee a member of Congress joins are: their expertise or background in a specific policy area, the preferences of the political party leadership, the needs and priorities of their constituents, and the overall balance of power and representation within the committee system.

What powers does the United States Congress not have?

All expressed powers are states in the constitution. If ou see a power listed under the Executive or Judicial Branch, Congress does not have that power. Of course, Congress does have the authority to grant new powers so long as it does not violate the constitution or the system of checks and balances.Congress does not have the power to change policies within the Air Force or Army. That power resides with the President.

Investigative Powers of Congress?

To oversee the executive agencies

What chairman position in the Senate has the power over taxation?

In the Senate, the Senate Finance Committee holds jurisdiction of taxation. The forerunner of the Committee, the Select Finance Committee, was established during the fourteenth session of Congress. The structure of the current Senate Finance came about as the result of the Committee Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970.

Who has power over all federal spending?

It is the Chairman of the Appropriations Committee that has power over all federal spending. The United States House Committee on Appropriations was created in 1865. As of 2014, the Chairman is Hal Rogers.

How are leaders selected in congress?

Committee leaders are selected by the parties. Leadership positions are given by seniority and the parties of the leaders usually reflect the party makeup of the house.

Congress has the power to do what?

Congress has the power to tax