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It depends on your point of view. If it helps solve or reduce crime - then yes. If it stops a user 'going about their lawful business' - then no.

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Q: Does the government have the right to censor the internet?
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Does the government have a right to censor the internet?


Government have the right to censor the Internet?

ABSOLUTELY NOT! Are they crazy?

Why is the Google logo black?

It was Black on Wed january 18th 2012 to express opposition to the SOPA bill running through the US house. This bill if passed would give the government the right to censor the internet.

A government might censor what its citizens see on the internet because the government likely?

does not want citizens to see sources that do not agree with government policies.

Do schools have the constitutional right to censor the Internet?

neither schools nor any particular individual or other such group has ownership of the internet. they have no right to censor what does not even belong to them and the guidelines for said censorship are often faulty and poorly worded. i would understand if there is a rule against adult content like porn, but instead schools attempt to stifle everything from social media, to games, to websites that disagree with their point of view on this subject. TL;DR: nobody owns the internet and therefore nobody has the right to censor or otherwise control it.

Is congress trying to censor the internet?


What legislature is Wikipedia blacking out because of?

They are trying to censor the internet.

What branch of Roman government had the power to protect morals?

The protection of morals was one of the duties of the censor in ancient Rome.

Why isn't BBC allowed in Iran?

Because the Iranian government control and censor all media in the country and they can't censor the BBC.

Why Internet2 speed is so high?

Internet2 is going to censor our freedom. The US government is out of control!! Write your congress online, to make them write laws blocking these big businesses from toying with our internet.

Which term defined as an official with the power to examine remove or prohibit any publications deemed objectionable to a government?

The term you are looking for is "censor." A censor is an official or organization responsible for inspecting and suppressing materials considered unacceptable or harmful, particularly in relation to government policies or public morality.

What is one area where the government can censor broadcast media?

compromise of national security