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No. The electoral college casts the official ballots in a Presidential election. US Supreme Court justices are not elected; they are appointed by the President and must be approved by the Senate.

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Q: Does the electoral college select the US Supreme Court justices?
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Does the electoral college select the senate?

No, however the electoral college has the honor to select the president and the vice president

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How electoral college work?

the electoral college works like this the convention delegates settled on a system in which each state legislature would choose a number of electors. The electoral college would select the president and vice president.

What is a group of people who help to select the president and the vice president?

The Electoral College

What are the voters chosen by each state to select the president and vice president?

electoral college

What does electoral college select?

The electoral college selects the president and the vice president, lucky them. :)

Which institution is a special body of delegates whose job is to select the president of the US?

Electoral CollegeElectoral College

Constitution that explains the electoral college.?

Article II of the United States Constitution describes the U.S. electoral vote system that is used to select the President of the United States.

What was the reason behind the use of an electoral college to select a president?

fear of placing too much power in the hands of the people.

Select ALL the examples of "checks" or limits that the executive and legislative branches have on the judicial branch?

A.the President nominates Supreme Court justices B.the President can fire judges C.Congress can refuse to ratify court decisions D.the Senate must approve Supreme Court justices E.the Executive Branch and the states must enforce Supreme Court decisions when necessary

Who can veto bills and select supreme court justices but cannot declare war?

The President of the United States. Only Congress has the authority to declare war.

Are Supreme Court Justices under the control of the President who appoints them?

No- the justices act independently once they take office. They are appointed for life and so are immune from political pressure. Although presidents try to select nominees that agree with their own constitutional philosophies, there are no guarantees.