The official title is Chief Justice of the United States, but most people refer to the position as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.As of 2005, the incumbent Chief Justice is John G. Roberts, Jr.
The plural form of chief justice is chief justices.
Chief Justice in Tagalog: Punong Mahistrado
Chief Justice of India justice S.H.kapadia
Justice S. H. Kapadia He was the former Chief Justice. At present Justice Altamas Kabir is the CJI (Chief Justice of India).
Mohabbat hidayatullah was the younger chief justice of India. He have served his 10 year as chief justice..
The chief justice is the lawbot boss in toontown.
chief justice
Chief Justice Renato Corona
he was the first chief justice and that how he was famous
chief justice
The Chief Justice is the head of the judicial, which is responsible for the administration of justice in Jamaica.