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Shade the Echidna and Knuckles the Echidna are both characters from the popular Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is not believed that Knuckles loved Shade in any way.

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A little bit

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Cannonly Knuckles has feelings for Rouge.

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Q: Does knuckles love shade
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Does knuckles have feelings for shade?


Does Shade the Enchidna had a crush on Sonic the Hedgehog?

No, Knuckles had a crush on her. Amy is still the only one who is in love with Sonic.

Who does knuckles like rouge or tikal or shade or sonia or Julie-su?

knuckles love 3 girl call rouge the bat from sonic x, Sonia the hedgehog from sonic underground and julie-sue the echidna from sonic comic but he did not like shade the echidna and tikal the echidna

Who is Shade in the Sonic the Hedgehog games?

In the time of the echindas there were two clans: the Knuckles clan and the Nocturnus clan. Knuckles was, of couse of the Knuckles clan, however Shade was on the opposite clan. They fought years ago in a battle which killed many. Knuckles believed he was the only echinda alive but Shade had survived too. She looks a little like Knuckles except her hair is shorter and a lighter color.

Does shade like knuckles?

It is uncertain that Knuckles loves Shade. Knuckles really doesn't like anyone. Sure, I'll say that Knuckles likes Shade.

Does Shade the Echidna have a crush on Knuckles?

There's a strong possibilty.

Does knuckles like Rouge or Shade or Tikal or Julie-Su?

Rouge and Shade have yet to be confirmed by SEGA to be liked by Knuckles, Tikal is kinda dead/disappeared and Julie-Su is an Archie character in which Knuckles is married to her in the future, but Archie isn't canon.

Does knuckles love someone?

yes knuckles love Valounda look at her page she's totally hot.

In the game called sonic chronicles the dark brotherhood do you think shade have feelings for both sonic and knuckles?

No, just Knuckles.

Who does knuckles like rouge or tikal or shade or sonia or Julie su?

a lot of people THINK that knuckles and rouge should be together, but its REALLY supposed to be knuckles and tikal.

Who does shade the hedgehog like?

She totally likes Shadow and Knuckles Shes my character

Does shade the echidna has a crush on sonic?

No, it's probably Knuckles that she's wanting!