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The Supreme Court's appellate jurisdiction allows it to review the constitutionality of the federal lower courts' decisions, and of state supreme court decisions that involve a matter of federal or constitutional law.

Judicial review refers more specifically to the power of the Supreme Court to review legislation and acts of Congress and the President (the Legislative and Executive branches) to unsure they confirm to the principles of the constitution, and to overrule laws that are unconstitutional.

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Q: Does 'judicial review' allow the US Supreme Court to review the constitutionality of lower courts' decisions?
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The judicial branch of government is the federal courts, mainly the Supreme Court. The courts interpret the laws that the legislative branch passes.

Power to Review the Constitutionality of a law?

That power is reserved for the Judicial System, the courts. Ultimately the Supreme Court of the United States has jurisdiction for US law disputes.

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Judicial Review

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Judicial. Appeals from a lower court can be sent to a higher one, and the Federal Supreme Court is the highest court.

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The other courts that are included in the Judicial Branch besides the Supreme Court is the Lower Federal Courts.

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Appellate courts are created to review decisions of lower courts. They promote efficiency at the federal judicial level by serving as an in between step between district courts and the Supreme Court.

What does judical branch mean?

The Judicial Branch in the United States is comprised of the Supreme Court. The 9 Supreme Court Justices have the responsibility to interpret the Constitution and decide about the Constitutionality of a bill or law. Supreme Court cases set a precedent for cases around the country. The judicial branch also includes most other courts.

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About 1 4 th of the supreme courts decisions concern appeals from District Courts

O which branch of government does the Supreme Court belong?

State supreme courts (or their equivalent) are part of each State's Judicial branch.

Does the Judicial Branch consist of the Supreme Court and US courts?

No. The Supreme Court of the United States is head of the Judicial branch, but there are lower courts and tribunals that are also included, such as the US District Courts and the US Courts of Appeals Circuit Courts, among others.

What is judicial revue?

Judicial Revue is a misspelled attempt. Judicial Review is the power of the courts to review actions by other branches of government and assess the constitutionality of those actions. So when the U.S. Supreme Court looks at a law passed by the state of Nebraska and determines that the Nebraska law is unconstitutional, that is an exercise of judicial review.

Who is in the judicial?

supreme court and other federal courts