You make your first student loan payment when you commence work and fill in a form for your taxes. There is a box asking if you have a student loan from if you have graduated over 12 months ago (you do not need to tick this box if you have not graduated over 12 months ago but you must get your employer to inform them when you have been working for 12 months)
You can still receive a federal loan. Complete your FAFSA.
if a deferrment has been done on a student loan wll IRS still garnish refund.
no it will be sunckin
AnswerThe short answer is no, you can never change cosigner on a private student loan. If they die, however, it is transferred to you.
The lowest fixed rate for a student loan would be through the government and their subsidy programs such as their subsidized and unsubsidized loans. The unsibsidized loans provide the entire loan to accumulate no interest until the student has graduated from college providing thousands of dollars that would have been in interest to not occur.
If you are not delinquent with your student loan, your federal income tax refund will not be garnished.
There are many places to research student loan settlement. You can look at various places on the web or at many banks. Looking for loan settlements can be difficult start by checking