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Civilian Pilot: It needs to be Correctable to 20-20 to be a civilian pilot. So you can wear glasses and fly. Military: You need to have 20-20 vision uncorrected to be a pilotso you would have to get laser eye surgery to be a military pilot, however other military employments in an airborn craft maynot need glasses. Such as a navigator. Answer two: It depends on your country of origin mostly. Here in Canada you need: Civilian: 20/30 corrected/uncorrected. Military: 20/20 corrected. Since last year, glasses are now allowed. Laser eye is still not and according to my local recruiter, probably never will be.

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Q: Do you need 20 20 vision to be a pilot?
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Do you need 20 20 vision in both eyes to be a pilot?

No, but you'll need to have corrective lenses that allow you to pass an eye test during the medical examination that is necessary to receive a pilot's certificate (in the U.S.).

What vision do I need to be a private pilot?

20/40 or better in each eye separately, with or without correction. Color vision as needed to safely perform airman duties.

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Do you need 20 20 vision to be a fighter pilot?

Techinally, yes. There are less and less fighter planes now and air forces are getting more picky in choosing their pilots

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Depends on the type of pilot. Working as a Pilot for a company such as the RAF would require 20/20 vision. However just a pilot of a private plane may be ok.

Can you be a pilot if you wear glasses?

In the United States you have to have perfect vision, 20/20, to become a pilot. They do not allow anyone to wear glasses, or contacts. (Presumably if you have laser eye surgery the purpose is to make your eyes work properly, so this shouldn't really be a factor.) You have to have perfect vision or else it is a liability when you are flying.

Do I need to have 20/20 vision to get into Aviation School?

The vision requirement for admission into aviation schools is dependent on the the type of pilot you want to become- whether they want to become airline transport, commercial or private pilots. It could be 20/20 or better in each eye separately with or without correction, 20/40 or better in each eye separately with or without correction. If the vision is 20/10, it means that the vision is better than normal.

What talents and skills do you need to be an airforce pilot?

An airforce pilot needs to have good vision and be able to withstand extreme amounts of physical and emotional stress. They also need to have previous pilot experience and be a good pilot.

Is 20 90 vision bad?

I'm asking the question - I need an answer from you What is 20/90 vision

Do you have to have perfect eyesight to enter air force pilot training course?

One has to have perfect eyesight to enter air force pilot training course. The vision must be 20/20 without aid of lenses. Also there should be no other vision problem like color blindness.

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What are the restrictions for armed forces recruiting regarding eyesight?

They're pretty strict. You need to have 20/20 vision or lenses that can correct your vision to 20/20.