You'll need a haircut when you first join.
teach ROTC
The end of mandatory ROTC
I got a haircut today. My haircut cost me $12.00 dollars. He did not give me a decent looking haircut.
ROTC is not in itself a minor. However, you can minor in whatever the main field of your ROTC branch is. For example: if you complete the full curriculum for Army ROTC, you can be eligible for a Military Science Minor, or Aerospace Studies Minor with Air Force ROTC.
Buzz haircut
The Haircut was created in 1982.
a Chelsea haircut is a Skinhead girls haircut &has nothing 2do wiv football!
A. Not if you gave yourself the haircut B. Not if the haircut was really poorly done.
There isn't actually a name for The Rev.'s haircut, as it not a normal haircut. The Rev. is almost the only person with that type of haircut, and there aren't many other people that choose that sort of haircut.
no only army ROTC
It depends on the ROTC, but it should be the actual military rank.Additional information:Sergeant.Air Force ROTC what rank is that